The Houston Engineering Contractor Golf Tournament is based on company teams playing head up golf with no handicapping. Historically 10 persons are paired into 5 - two man teams that play in a scramble format. The tournament EPC Trophy will go to the winning team.
If you are interested in playing on your company team, but don't know who to contact, send an email and we will send you the contact information on file.
Suppliers are encouraged to play in the tournament. We welcome suppliers to play.
The Houston Engineering Contractors Golf Tournament is open for registration. Maximum number of players per team is 10. Players compete as twosomes. The three best scores are summed to determine with winner. The winner will be determined by summing each teams 3 best scores. All USGA Rules of Golf apply.
Talk to the other golfers at your company.
Form a team and register for the tournament.
Win the coveted HECGT trophy!
Your EPC firm has bragging rights for the year!